Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR)

Employment Security Division (ESD) - Contributions Section

HOW EMPLOYERS ADD A REPORTING SERVICE (Replaces paper process for Power of Attorney)

1. Go to and log in.

2. From the “Employer Summary” screen click on “Maintain Users” on the left side menu. The menu will

expand below this; select “User Information.”

3. This will display the “User Maintenance” screen. Click on the “Add” button to the right of the “External Account Authorization (Reporting Services)” section.

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4. The system will display the “Add External User” screen. Click on the “Search” link to the right of the “Reporting Service Name” field to find your Reporting Service. The system will not allow you to enter a name without searching; you must search from the list of Reporting Services registered with DETR.

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5. On the screen that pops up, enter the Reporting Service’s name in the “Agent Name” field and click the “Search” button. Verify FEIN provided by Agent to ensure selecting the correct Reporting Service.

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6. The desired Reporting Service will be listed and perhaps those with similar names. Click on the radio button in front of your selection and then click on the “Select” button below the Reporting Service name(s).

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7. The system will return to the “Add External User” screen with the reporting service information populated. Click the pull down arrow at the right of the “Auth Level” field to select the authorization level you desire for the Reporting Service. This field is required, as it sets permissions regarding what the Reporting Service will be able to view and/or perform on your behalf.

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8. Authorization levels include: · Administrator (full access, including adding and updating online users) · Profile Update (view/update addresses and legal information) · Quarterly Report Update (view/submit/update quarterly UI reports) · Benefits Update (report separation information for UI claims) · Combinations of Profile Update, Quarterly Report Update, and/or Benefits Update 9. After you have selected the desired authorization level, read the Important Information and verify by checking the box. Then continue by clicking the “Next” button.

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10. The system will return to the “User Maintenance” screen and display the message “user added successfully” near the top of the screen. The Reporting Service just added will be listed under “External Account Authorizations (Reporting Services).”

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