HRIS Reports

Provides an overview of the reporting options available in HRIS.

Note: This article was formally titled Reports, Exports and Imports and also contained information on HRIS Exports and Imports. You can find information on Exports and Imports by reading the following two articles:


Namely offers extensive reporting tools that provide comprehensive overviews of your company and employee data. There are four reporting engines in HRIS:

  • Analytics

  • Audit Reports (Beta)

  • Company reports

  • HRIS reports 


Namely Analytics provides dynamic reporting surrounding key business metrics like attrition, headcount, diversity, salary, and more. For an in-depth look, see Namely Analytics.

A screenshot of a data report

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Audit Reports provide a comprehensive view of changes made to access roles, permissions, roles employees are assigned to, and who employees report to. Any changes made to data will be reflected in the audit report within thirty minutes. 


Access Company Reports

Company reports provide a general overview of recent updates made in your organization. These reports are not customizable and cannot be individually exported or printed in data sheets.

To access company reports, in the navigation bar, click Company > Reports.

Note: You must have the “Company can view reports” global permission to access company reports. For more information, see Definitions of Access Role Permissions.

Company Report Types

There are six types of company reports: 

  • Headcount: A graph and written summary of total employees, growth percentage within the last 30 days, recent arrivals, and departures.

A graph showing growth and departures

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  • Arrivals: A list of employees by name, title, office location, and start date. List can be sorted by each of the above criteria.

  • Open Positions: All open positions that have been created within custom teams. Details include: job title, team name, open date, compensation, type, requisition number, and date to be filled.

  • Performance Level: A graph summary of employee performance ratings as well as a list details on current performance level for each employee. Name, title, and office location are also included.

  • Experience Level: Employee tenure in days. List includes: employee name, title, and office location.

  • Salaries: Current salary levels by employee. In addition to title and office location, list also includes rate and frequency (pay period).

  • Credential History: TheCredential History Log displays employee login attempts to Namely.


Access Company Vitals

Company Vitals provide a general overview of teams, site utilization, performance levels, hires and departures. This report is not customizable and cannot be individually exported or printed in data sheets.

To access Company Vitals, in the navigation bar, click Company.

  • The default tab under Company is Vitals.

Note: You must have the “Company can view reports” global permission to access company reports. For more information, see Definitions of Access Role Permissions.

Company Vitals Data

  • Teams: Provides a snapshot of how many teams your company has.

  • Utilization: Advises on the percentage of employees who use Namely.

  • Hires & Departures: Displays growth and attrition on a line graph.

  • New People and Departures: Reports on the last 30 days.

  • Allocated People: Provides a count of employees with a team allocation.

  • Performance Levels: Provides a pie chart of performance levels for your headcount. 

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For a walkthrough of Company & Vitals reporting, please watch:

Refer To this video:  Company Reports and Vitals (


Access HRIS Reports

HRIS reports allow you to create reports on almost every data point captured in Namely. 

To access HRIS reports, under Admin Tools on the homepage, click Reporting.

A list of HRIS reports you have created in the past displays on the Reports page. 

Note: You must have the “Reporting Engine” global permission in order to view HRIS reports, and you will only be able to view reporting data granted by your Field Group Bundle permissions. For more information, see Definitions of Access Role Permissions.

Create HRIS Reports

To create a new HRIS report:

  1. Click Create New Report.

  2. Enter the Report Name.

  • If you do not enter a report name, it defaults to the current date.

  1. Enter a Report Description (optional).

  2. Select a Report Type.

  • If your report type offers template options, select a template.

  • See HRIS Report Types for descriptions of the types of reports you can run.

  1. Click Create.

A screenshot of a report

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HRIS Report Types

You can choose from several types of HRIS reports. Some report types offer multiple templates. All reports have default fields which can be deleted or added to once the report has been created. Select the report type to view what default fields are included in that report.

  • Profile: Templates include emergency contact, contact information, reports to, new hires, employee seniority, demographic, birthday, and access role.


Users who are scoped to view First Name, Last Name, Preferred First Name, and Preferred Last Name will be able to pull reports containing the field Full Name. Users who are not scoped to one (or all) of the four above fields will not have access.

  • Salary: Templates include salary history and payroll.

  • Goal: Templates include goal default and goal age.

  • Resource: Company resources, who uploaded them, and when.

  • Team Position: Detailed information about custom teams: team members, teams allocations, team positions, and team start/end dates.

  • Team: Custom teams metrics, such as team status and team category.

  • Bonus: Employee bonuses.

  • Job Title: Job title history report.

  • Time-Off Request: Approved, rejected, and pending time-off requests.

  • Time-Off Usage: Time-off accrual, carryover, scheduled and used time off.

  • Review Answer: Performance review questions and answers.

  • Review: Reviewers, review status, and review cycle due dates. This report is currently only available to those with the Administrator access role.

  • Performance: Current and historical performance ratings.

  • Competency: Company competencies. Competencies are set up in company settings.

  • Appreciation: Appreciations that have been posted on the newsfeed.

Customize Your Report 

You can customize your report by adding and deleting fields, filtering your data, and reordering columns.

  • To add a field, select it from the Edit Columns dropdown.

  • To remove a field, deselect it from the Edit Columns dropdown.

    • You can also delete a column by clicking the X icon in the column header.

  • To add a filter to your data, select it from the Filters dropdown.

  • Reorder your data by dragging and dropping columns and using the ▲ and ▼ arrows in column headers.

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Duplicate, Download and Delete Reports

To duplicate your report, click the Duplicate icon.

To download your report, click the Download icon.

To delete your report, click the Delete Report icon.

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For a walkthrough of HRIS Reports, please watch:

Refer To this video:  Custom Reports (