HRIS Imports: Org Unit and Class Imports

How to import org units and classes.


A company’s org units and classes, as well as their employee assignments, can be imported using the Import Data (Beta) tool located in Company > Settings


If you haven't applied our Org Units enhancement, your company's org units and classes are managed in Namely payroll. If you need to update them in bulk, read Payroll Imports: Demographic Imports.


Below is a list of the import types available and their function:

  1. Add Classes: Adds new Company-Level Benefit Classes and their rules to your Namely Benefits instance.

  2. Assign Classes: 

    • Add: Assigns Benefit Classes to your employees who do not yet have an active class assignment.

    • Modify: Modifies existing Benefit Class assignments for your employees. Note: You will need to download the template from this section, which contains the current assignments and their unique IDs. IDs will be required on your import file when you attempt to modify assignments. 

A screenshot of a import data

Description automatically generated

  1. Add Org Units: Adds new Company-Level Org Units to existing org types.

  2. Assign Org Units 

    • Add: Adds new Org Unit assignments for employees that do not currently have an active assignment.

    • Modify: Modifies existing Org Unit assignments for employees. Note: You can also remove assignments by placing an asterisk (*)  in the org unit assignment column. When selecting this import type, you will also have access to a downloadable file that contains current Org Unit assignments for your employees, along with their associated unique employment IDs. Org Unit column and Org Type can be adjusted to modify the assignments.


When you select an import type from the available list in the dropdown, you can also access a sample template that is formatted to the import requirements for that import type.  


Note: The Add Org Units import won’t create custom org types. If you are importing custom org units, you first need to create their custom org type(s) by going to Company > Settings > Org Units.

To import org units or classes in the 
Import Data (Beta) tool:

  1. Choose the appropriate selection from Class Imports or Organizational Structure Imports under the Import Type dropdown.

  2. Download the required sample file.

    • Note: Do not delete or modify any of the columns or column headers in the sample file.

  3. Enter the required information for your import and upload the file. Click Save and Continue.

  • Addresses are not required for any org type. This allows all remote employees to be grouped under the same Remote org unit. However, addresses are validated for office locations if entered in the import file.

  • Start Date should be entered in the format MM/DD/YYYY.


Make sure the Start Date is properly formatted! Dates entered in an international format (DD/MM/YYYY) will be processed incorrectly. 

  1. Map the Namely Field to its corresponding File Header. Click Save and Continue.

  2. Map the File Value to its corresponding Namely Value. Click Save and Continue.

  3. Check the validation stats, and if necessary, download the validation report to review your data.

  4. If no errors are found, click Run Import.



Note: If you are modifying org unit assignments, never change the information in the Id, Email, Employee Full Name, and Org Type columns of your import file. Doing so will result in errors in your site configuration.

To assign org units and classes to employees via an import: 

  1. Select Org Unit Allocations or Class Assignments from the Import Type dropdown.

  2. Select Add or Modify.

    • Select Add if you’re creating an association between an employee and an org unit or class.

    • Select Modify if you’re updating an association between an employee and an org unit or class.

  3. Download the required sample file.

    • Note: Do not delete or modify any of the columns or column headers in the sample file.

  4. Enter the required information for your import and upload the file. Click Save and Continue.

    • Notes

      •  If you are running a Modify import, your sample file will have your employees’ current information populated in it. You should never overwrite any information in the Id, Email, Employee Name, or Org Type columns. Doing so will result in errors in your site configuration.

      • Start Date should be entered in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

  5. Map the Namely Field to its corresponding File Header. Click Save and Continue.

  6. Map the File Value to its corresponding Namely Value. Click Save and Continue.

  7. Check the validation stats, and if necessary, download the validation report to review your data.

  8. If no errors are found, click Run Import.


The imported Org Unit Start Date will determine whether the allocation record is a new record or an update to the existing one. If the imported Org Unit Start Date is identical to the existing record, the import will update the existing record. If the imported Org Units Start Date is more recent than the current record, the import will end date the existing record and create a new one.


The below requirements apply to any type of import: 

  1. Only CSV formatted files are supported for all import types.

  2. Headers must be on the first row of the file.

  3. The first set of values must start on the second row of the file.

  4. Blank values in the file will be ignored.

  5. The date format should be MM/DD/YYYY.

  6. Each import type will have a different set of Upload Types depending on your selection.

  7. If there are multiple payroll entities tied to your HCM site, you will need to perform one import per entity.